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This is a glossary of terms, places, and things.

Abgeleitete Leute: Semi-mythological city populated solely by copies of a single Mehrere.

Albtraum: The nightmares of man given flesh. These creatures take shapes relevant to those they haunt. They feed off the delusional and mostly attack Geisteskranken.

Aufenthalt: Independent city-state.

Auseinander: A kingdom defeated by the Sieger Clans. A Sieger Geisteskranken lost control during the Battle of Sinnlos after raising an army of the dead. The Kingdom is now populated by the raised undead and ruled by what was the strongest of the Geisteskranken's inner demons.

Basamortuan Desert: East of the city states.

Bizkarrezurra Erantsita: The ultimate trophy is to collect an opponent's head with the spine still attached. The complete version of the ritual involves forcing the victim's soul from the belly--where it resides--into the skull by filling the belly with sand. For best results, this must be done while the victim is still alive.

Blutblüte: Zerfall's rather plain looking sword. She believes it is unbreakable and that Wahregott gave it to her. It never dulls, never needs sharpening.

Borrokalaria: Harea's Hall of Blooded Warriors in the Afterdeath.

Erotu: Basamortuan tribal term for the insane/delusional.

Etsaiaren: Tribe of the Basamortuan desert, sworn enemies of the Hasiera tribe.

Flussrand River: The physical boundary defining the border between the Kingdom of Gottlos and the Theocratic Kingdom of Grauchloss.

Folgen Sienie: Small city on the eastern border of Reichweite.

Geborene Damonen: A religion/theocracy based in Grauchloss, headed by Konig Furimmer. The Geborene believe the universe was not created by the gods, that somehow it came before them, and that humanity created the gods with their desperate need to believe in something.

Geisteskranken (Delusionist): Reality is responsive to the beliefs of humanity. Under normal circumstances it requires large numbers of people--all believing the same thing--to affect change. The more people who believe something, the more real their belief becomes. Geisteskranken are capable of believing something so utterly and completely--are insane enough--to affect noticeable changes in reality all by themselves. Most are only mildly neurotic and can cause minor or subtle changes. The truly powerful are also that much more deranged.

Geldangelegenheiten: Small but extremely prosperous kingdom. Centre of the Verzweiflung Banking Conglomerate.

Geldwechsler: Hats worn by members of the Verzweiflung Banking Conglomerate. Colour and size denotes rank. The darker and more somber, the larger and more uncomfortable, the higher the rank of the wearer.

Gottlos: Grubby little Kingdom run by King Dieb Schmutzig who had been the previous king's greatest general. Dieb is a fairly powerful Gefahrgeist.

Grauchloss: Theocratic kingdom. Ruled by Konig Furimmer, High Priest of the Geborene Damonen. Originally an independent kingdom with its own royal family, Grauchloss fell under the sway of the Geborene.

Grunlugen: Independent city-state ruled by a family of petty Gefahrgeist.

Gustuko Gizona: A man who does woman's work. An insult typically used by young warriors who have yet to earn their scars.

Harea: God of the desert, worshipped by most tribes of the Basamortuan Desert.

Hasiera: Jateko's tribe.

Heriotza: Basamortuan goddess of death.

Hildako: The wandering spirits of those who have died and have neither been accepted by Harea or Ascended into some local watering-hole godling.

Hilen Deabru: The undying, whose souls have been rejected by Harea, god of the Basamortuan Desert. Linked with Cotardists.

Hiria Ero: Dismissive/insulting term for the people of the city-states.

Kälte Mountains: Mountain range to the north of Geldangelegenheiten.

Karpan: Tent, large enough for an entire extended family. Plural is karpa.

Krieger: The warrior sect of the Geborene Damonen.

Leichtes Haus: Tavern in Grauchloss City

Menschheit Letzte Imperium: The last of humanity's great empires to fall. This entire continent had once been united under a single despotic ruler, perhaps the greatest Gefahrgeist ever to live.

Mitteldirne: Capital of Gottlos.

Müll Loch: Birthplace of Stehlen.

Neidrig: City just beyond the north-western border of Grauchloss.

Oihal: Long flowing robes worn by most tribes.

Phobic: Anyone suffering a strong phobia.

Pozoia: Cured nuggets of cactus guts. Highly hallucinogenic. Brewed by tribal Sorgin.

Rand: City belonging to the Auseinander Kingdom

Reichweite: Small kingdom west of Grauchloss, beyond the free cities (including Neidrig).

Ruchlos Arms: Inn located in Neidrig

Santu Itsasoa: The Sea of Souls. Where souls rejected by Harea are taken to wait out eternity.

Schatten Morder: Cotardist assassins of the Geborene Damonen.

Schlammstamm: Nomadic grassland tribes whose society is based around who owns the most horses. At the centre of each tribe is a deranged shaman who thinks he can control the weather and talk to tribal ancestors.

Schlangenbeschwörer: Therianthrope snake charmers of the SumpfStamm swamp tribes found at the mouth of the Wüten River.

Schwarze Beerdigung: Tavern in Neidrig

Selbsthass City: Capital of Grauchloss. Home to Konig Furimmer, High Priest of the Geborene Damonen.

Sinnlos: Small city located on the border of Auseinander and the lands held by the Sieger Clans. Famous only due to the fact that the final battle between the Sieger and the Auseinander occurred here.

Sorgin: A shaman, witch doctor, healer, wise-one.

SumpfStamm: Snake-worshipping tribes found in the swamps at the mouth of the Wüten River.

Swarm: This is the hell of the Täuschung.

Täuschung: a dark cult worshipping deception and illusion. The ranking priests are powerful Geisteskranken, most being Halluzin.

Tiergeist: Therianthrope assassins of the Geborene Damonen.

Traurig: City in the Kingdom of Geldangelegenheiten. Birth place of Wichtig.

Unbedeutend: Backwater kingdom that's been at war with itself for three generations.

Unbrauchbar: Small city just within the borders of the Kingdom of Gottlos.

Verrottung Loch: The worst tavern in all of Neidrig.

Verschlinger: A tribe of savages in the far north who believe they gain strength and wisdom by devouring their foes. The Verschlinger do not believe in an Afterdeath.

Verteidigung: Garrisoned city to the north of Grauchloss City.

Verzweiflung Banking Conglomerate: Organized banks/money lenders based in the kingdom of Geldangelegenheiten.

Wahnvor Stellung: The largest and most powerful religion. They believe the gods are crazy. Crazy enough, in fact, that through sheer divine belief, they created the universe and everything within it. Only truly insane creatures could believe strongly enough to create something this complex. They worship the old gods that pre-date recorded history.